Crystal healing for Yoga Meditation, Astrology Manifestation

 Apache Tears 

ProtectionCleansing💧 Grounding

You shall be released 

In the words of Bob Dylan, "Every man needs protection." Apache Tears - black, pebble shaped volcanic glass gathered in Mexico and the American Southwest - are guards of spirit and soul. 

They are also the kind of guards that help spring us from those prisons we create for ourselves. The prison of unrealistic expectations. The prison of living in constant fear of judgement. The prison of a never-ending need to please with a cellmate always happy to remind you: "If you don't do A, B, and C, you will never get love." Call on the liberating power of Apache Tears to break out. Dig. Climb. Whatever it takes. You might get caught up in barbed wire, but real freedom rarely comes without a painful fight. 

Rub on some Apache Tears. Use the stones as dowsing rods to find those places in your body that hold your sad. Then, revel in it. Soak it up. And, wring it out. 


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