Introduction to Healing Crystals -Horoscope, Astrology & Yoga Mediation

Today we are looking at the Amazonite Stone

Love ๐Ÿ’“ Calm ๐Ÿ˜Œ Communication๐Ÿ’ฌ

Speak for yourself 

Amazonite is the ideal stone to help you find your voice - not clouded by ego and fear and expectations - and sing from the heart (even when you're whispering). Get into Amazonite and get into your truest self. 

First and foremost, Amazonite is a stone of loving communication. That little voice talking in your head right now? It should be nicer to you. Start communicating with honesty and courage and watch how fast you start attracting boys and girls who actually want to hear what you're saying. 

Feeling a little out of touch? Meditating with Amazonite placed on your upper heart can level you out and keep you happily afloat on the turquoise river of self. Like Amethyst, it's nice to have around when a cleanse is in order. It's also good  to keep around the bedroom, or wherever else you might light the Dyptique candle, put on the D'Angelo record and do your thing. 


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